Mr. Xue Jiping, Chairman of ZTT visited Guangxi University of Technology

2015/1/19 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览

On November 19, 2014, Mr. Xue Jiping, Chairman of ZTT visited Guangxi University of Technology with four other senior leaders of ZTT.
Accompanied by the leaders of Guangxi University of Technology, Xue Jiping and the other attendees visited the sand table model of campus plan and the science and technology museum.
Mr. Xue Jiping introduced the boom status of ZTT and said Guangxi University of Technology had left a good impression on him. In addition, he also said he was eagerly looking forward to the cooperation between ZTT and Guangxi University of Technology.
The principal of Guangxi University of Technology, Li Simin also expressed sincere wishes of mutual cooperation with ZTT.